Custom Bouquets and Floral Creations
In addition to our ready to order florae, Urban Botanica specializes in creating customized floral arrangements that come in all shapes and sizes and are tailor-made to your event. Our team of experienced visual artists are experts at creating polished pieces that reflect your original vision and heart’s desire, and we relish the opportunity to produce exceptional pieces that collaborate with your event. Whatever your preference and personality, Urban Botanica's team of visual artists will create stunning custom bouquets are designed specially to meet your needs and bring your dream to life.
Your One Stop Flower Shop
At Urban Botanica, we offer flower bouquets in several different shapes, sizes, and color schemes. Aesthetically pleasing and visually appealing, our creations are delightful and flawless and provide the pleasurable satisfaction of unique, sustainable florae delivered right to your doorstep, office, or home in San Francisco and beyond. Urban Botanica offers many varieties of bouquets, from small, pretty flower arrangements for the enjoyment of your corporate office or home, to extra large bouquets custom designed for weddings, corporate events, or upscale dinners and luncheons. Delivery options can also be customized to fit your preferences, and many of our patrons love the option of our weekly floral deliveries. We hand deliver each and every arrangement, and our numerous selections mean we carry something special for everyone.